The increasing adoption of technology has resulted in the realization that the skills of many workers are redundant and must be upgraded. When workers lack needed training and businesses experience skill gaps, the company’s ability to compete, expand and retain workers can be compromised.
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act (WIOA) offers an opportunity to improve job and career options for Georgia’s workers and the company to backfill the incumbent worker’s position. By promoting the Incumbent Worker Training Program (IWTP), Georgia has the great opportunity to increase its economic health and improve economic competitiveness.
The IWTP purpose is to provide funding assistance to qualifying Georgia employers to assist with expenses associated with new or upgraded skills training for full-time, permanent company workers.
Benefit to Business: Skills training will enhance the business’s ability to compete in global economies, expand present markets, and help ensure the permanency (layoff aversion) of business in Georgia.
Benefit to Employees: Training will upgrade present work skills, heighten job security, provide marketable skills, and increase the possibilities for higher wages and promotional opportunities.