WorkSource Georgia Mountains provides funding for education and training to eligible individuals to enhance their current skills or learn a new trade. We also supply funding and services for Georgians who lose their job as a result of plant closures, mass layoffs, and other effects of the changing economy.
Occupational Skills Training
WorkSource Georgia Mountains can assist with costs related to training, including but not limited to the following:
- books
- tuition and fees
- required supplies
- tools
- uniforms
- certification
- licensing
- testing fees
- drug testing for entrance into training
- medical requirements for training entrance, etc.
We also assist with supportive services such as child care and transportation. Training must be in occupations identified in the local Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) plan as “growth and/or demand occupations”. The majority of our customers receive training assistance at Truck Driving Schools, Technical Colleges, and local Universities.
On-the-Job Training
The On-the-Job Training (OJT) program is a great opportunity to begin a new career, and is an “earn as you learn” training program. On-the-job training offers unemployed or underemployed workers training for a new career while earning a paycheck.
Participants can begin a new career today, instead of traditional training which must be completed before starting their career. OJT is designed for workers eager to enter the workforce as soon as possible.
The goal of On-The-Job Training is to bridge the gap between participant’s current skills and the skills employers are looking for, along with the opportunity for long term employment. The program is limited in duration based on training needs and the requirements of the job.
To qualify for the program participants must be unemployed or not currently earning a self-sufficient wage, meet WIOA eligibility requirements and possess the basic skills to complete On-the-Job Training in their area of interest.
Program Eligibility
Both Adults & Dislocated Workers must be at least 18 years old, have the “right to work”, comply with the Selective Service Act (if applicable), and meet income guidelines (if employed). Priority levels will be determined by WIOA Guidelines.
All customers must also be determined suitable for Adult/DW services by a WorkSource Georgia Mountains staff member. Suitability is determined by examining some or all of the following items:
- Length of training program
- Financial aid award/denial
- Household budget
- Support system
- Reliable transportation
- Assessment scores/program choice
- Current marketable skills
- Growth/Demand Occupation
What do I need to do to apply?
The first step is to attend an Overview session to start the application process and answer your questions. Application help sessions are held every Tuesday at 11:30 AM. Please keep in mind, you must have the ability to work full time. To find an Overview near you call (770) 538-2727.